29mm cubic in size, light-weight and small, high-speed camera link camera, C20 CL series. 500fps high-speed with VGA resolution.


500fps, very high speed camera with 29mm cubic in size, approx. 50g. Best suited for speed and size-concious camera link embedded systems, such as bottle inspection, label inspection, semiconductor, LCD, LED Wafer related systems, and others.

* Picture of the same sized, 2M color model is shown.

29mm cubic Ultra High Resolution

Product Features
  • High speed
  • 29mm cubic in size
  • Low power consumption
  • C lens mount
  • External trigger
  • 8bit/10bit output

Product Specification Outline

Color/Mono Color RAW Mono
Resolution VGA VGA
fps@Max. Resolution 500 fps 500 fps
Output Format 8bit / 10bit 8bit / 10bit
Sensor Model Name CMV2000 CMV2000
Shutter Type Global Shutter Global Shutter
Imager Size CMOS (Diagonal Length: 4.4mm) CMOS (Diagonal length: 4.4mm)
Effective Pixels 640 x 480 640 x 480
Pixel Size (μm) 5.50 x 5.50 -
Horizontal Frequency (kHz) 246.12 264.12
Pixel Clock (MHz) 79.99 79.99
Power Consumption 1.6W Typ 1.6W Typ
Power Requirement DC12V ±10% DC12V ±10%
Min. Illumination F1.4, 150 lx F1.4, 5.0 lx
Sensitivity F2.0, 2000 lx F2.0, 400 lx
Shutter Variable Range OFF(1/500s)~1/50,000s OFF(1/500s)~1/50,000s
Interface Camera Link Camera Link
Lens Mount C Mount C Mount
Weight (g) Approx 50 Approx 50
Dimensions (W) x (H) x (D)mm 29 x 29 x 29 29 x 29 x 29

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